Rachel B. Glaser - Our planet in the slowest pink floyd intro. Everyone begins to pee on water. The best people leave. The pain seems less painful?

Rachel B. Glaser, Pee On Water (Publishing Genius, 2010)


"Glaser's supple narratives reward the reader with dazzling effects." - Stanley G. Crawford

"Rachel B. Glaser is a party of one - smart, zany, and grave. Her stories move like nobody else's among the beguilements and sorrows of being alive. A terrific debut." - Noy Holland

"Rachel Glaser has written a game-changer." - Giancarlo DiTrapano

"These stories are often dazzling, but beneath the bright wit, the weirdness, and the extraordinary invention you will find heart, guts, and a striking intelligence." - Chris Bachelder

Rachel's blog:

Edward Mullany: «The sacred and the profane: a look at the cover of a book by Rachel B. Glaser»
